Calcareous grassland meadows are a relatively scarce habitat in Wales, confined mostly to the county of Gwent in the south-east of the country. They are both species-rich and colourful and attract an abundant pollinator fauna, including marbled white (Melanargia galathea) butterflies. As with other meadows, their continued existence depends on the exclusion of stock throughout the growth period, regular hay cuts and reasonable levels of aftermath grazing. However, there is also the danger of species-changes and loss as a consequence of atmospheric nitrogen deposition. In this case, the calcicolous species appear to be the most vulnerable, though an increase in the cover of competitive grasses and sedges would have a more general impact on species-richness. Other, more perennial, threats include agricultural improvements, e.g. ploughing, reseeding, fertilser and herbicide applications, and abandonment/neglect leading to scrub encroachment.