Period: 1990, 2000, 2007, 2015

Sensor: LANDSAT TM5, IRS LISS III, SPOT 4,5 (AWIFS only if other high resolution satellite image is not available)

Resolutions: 25m and 1km

Extent: UK

Data can be accessed here.

Algorithm description: Red, NIR and MIR bands of satellite images for summer and winter are combined to form ‘summer-winter’ composites and subjected to supervised classification. The classification is further enhanced through knowledge based enhancements and ultimately by manual edits. Other data sources like DTM, urban mask, coastlines, agriculture masks, soil, rural boundaries are obtained from various national organisations.

Landcover classification follows system set by UK Biodiversity Action Plan and LCM2015 and comprises of broad classes such as broadleaf woodland, Coniferous woodland, improved grassland, neutral grassland, calcareous grassland, acid grassland, heather grassland, etc.

Accuracy: No detailed evaluation information is available. LCM2000 report notes overall accuracy of 83%.


  • Only available for UK and classification system is different than LCCS FAO (or CORINE).
  • Forest classes are very broad.


Morton, D. et al. Countryside Survey: Final Report forLCM2007 – the new UK Land Cover Map. 1–115 (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 2011).