Following products are available for Gross Primary Productivity:
Following products are available for Gross Primary Productivity:
Period: 2000 – present Sensor: MODIS Terra+Aqua Frequency: Yearly Resolutions: 500m Extent: Global Data can be accessed here. Algorithm description: MOD17A2H is 8-Day GPP composite and it is calculated based on ‘radiation conversion theory’. It uses MODIS FPAR product and independently estimated PAR. Conversion of PAR to GPP requires FAPAR and radiation conversion efficiency. This parameter is also modified as a function…
Period: 1999 – present Sensor: SPOT-VGT and PROBA-V Frequency: 10 days Resolutions: 1km Extent: Global Data can be accessed here. Algorithm description: Ten day composite of GDMP (gross dry matter productivity) and DMP (dry matter productivity). Both quantities are expressed in units of dry matter instead of kg of C (unit: kg of DM/ha/day). The algorithm calculates GDMP based on Monteith theory of light…
Period: 2014 – present Sensor: PROBA-V Frequency: 10 days Resolutions: 300m Extent: Global Data can be accessed here. Algorithm description: Ten day composite of GDMP (gross dry matter productivity) and DMP (dry matter productivity). Both quantities are expressed in units of dry matter instead of kg of C (unit: kg of DM/ha/day). The algorithm is same as that used for Copernicus 1km DMP and GDMP…